AKTU 2022 counselling | UPTU 2022 -2023 Counselling latest update | AKTU / UPCET counselling form

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Full counselling by set time bound goal
STBG is no.1 counselling channel of UP.
Get the best Engineering College according to your JEE (Main) Rank, through UPCET Counselling process
1. Aktu/uptu ( cuet counselling for b.tech, b.pharma, lateral entry)
• We will do your counselling according to your rank and provides you best collage as much as possible.
• Personal call/meet support.
• Personalized choice filling order according to your rank.
• Learn your all doubt with our counsellor.
• Stbg is no.1 counselling channel of u.p.
• Personal group.
• We provides best counsellor for your career.
• Our main focus is government collages/top private collage even at low rank.
• Fee waiver seats are primary for us mentor for .
• Schlorship also.
• During upcet counselling our expert counsellor arrange collage choice in such a way that you will get a best collage as per your rank .
• Along with aktu we will help in hbtu & mmmut also.
How our expert counselling work-
1. You need to support expert counselling form and pay the registration fees.
2. Upcet ecpert counsellor will call back to your and keep a meeting with you and your parents like department ( branch ), location of collage , maximum affordable fee etc. Note- our aim is to provide you best gov collage with best branch .
Benefits of counselling through stbg-
1. Complete counselling and choice filling of all round.
2. Best collage and rank selection based on you rank .
3. Complete assistance in document verification.
4. Choice filling by highly experienced expert of stbg.
5. We also take care of the interest of student and fill choice according to the preference of branches of every students.
6. We also help students to find the best branch for him or her by Taking a Branch selection personal counseling session.
7. Our branch selection counseling session draws the final result by considering the interest of students, future planning of students (what he/she wants to do after B.Tech), Current and future scope, and job opportunities in every branch.
Importnate -

किसी भी Counseller या Counselling को सीट बुकिंग के नाम पर पैसा न दे कियुँकि आपका JEE Main Rank ही आपकी सबसे बड़ी जमा पूंजी है उसका प्रयोग करें और अपने रैंक के अनुसार Best College का चयन करें |
सिर्फ जानकारी के आभाव में अच्छे कॉलेज में एडमिशन से न चुकें |

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