আয়া সোফিয়ার রাজকীয় সৌন্দর্য ও সমৃদ্ধ ইতিহাস | Eploring the Rich History of the Hagia Sophia

Описание к видео আয়া সোফিয়ার রাজকীয় সৌন্দর্য ও সমৃদ্ধ ইতিহাস | Eploring the Rich History of the Hagia Sophia

আয়া সোফিয়ার রাজকীয় সৌন্দর্য ও সমৃদ্ধ ইতিহাস | Eploring the Rich History of the Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia, also known as Ayasofya, is a historic architectural marvel located in Istanbul, Turkey. Originally built as a church in the 6th century by the Byzantine emperor Justinian I, it served as the center of Eastern Orthodox Christianity for nearly a thousand years.

In 1453, the Ottomans conquered Constantinople and converted Hagia Sophia into a mosque. The building underwent extensive renovations, including the addition of four minarets, which are still visible today.

In 1935, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of modern Turkey, converted Hagia Sophia into a museum to secularize the country. However, in 2020, the Turkish government decided to revert it back to a mosque, sparking local and international controversy.

Hagia Sophia is renowned for its stunning architectural features, including its massive dome, intricate mosaics, and ornate decorations. It remains an important cultural and historical landmark, attracting millions of visitors each year.



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