Lysine - The Super Supplement For Multiple Sclerosis?!!

Описание к видео Lysine - The Super Supplement For Multiple Sclerosis?!!

#lysine #multiplesclerosis #chronicillness

The benefits of Lysine for Multiple sclerosis and other chronic health conditions.

I started taking Lysine to help prevent and heal my coldsores about a year ago, and I've seen huge improvements in the amount of coldsores I get and the time they take to heal when I do get one.

I started looking into Lysine to find out what it's benefits are and I was surprised to see how much this wonder supplement can do for our body's!

It has anti inflammatory properties, helps with diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety and that's to name only a few.

In the video I've listed what lysine is and what types of food we can find it in.

I hope you find this video useful.


#lysine #chronicillness #mentalhealthmatters #multiplesclerosis #brainhealth


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