Kawasaki disease - Q and A session

Описание к видео Kawasaki disease - Q and A session

Today (16th June), SHRI organized a CPD session with Dr. Thomas Georgeson, an adult and pediatric emergency physician from Canberra Hospital. The session, which had 259 participants, focused on "Kawasaki Disease." Dr. Georgeson shared his knowledge on various aspects of Kawasaki disease, including Kawasaki Shock syndrome and atypical disease, using a series of case scenarios to highlight the variation in clinical symptoms, investigations at different stages, and treatment options. The session concluded with a Q&A segment discussing the variation of treatment modalities, follow-up, and how to differentiate the disease from recent similar conditions. Dr. Thathsara Weerathunge, Registrar in Community Medicine at the Medical Faculty of Colombo, moderated the CPD session.


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