Can Plastic Surgery remove burn scars? - Dr. Srikanth V

Описание к видео Can Plastic Surgery remove burn scars? - Dr. Srikanth V

Yes Plastic Surgeons can definitely reduce the scars and in some case eliminate the scars. Scars are something which are caused by injury like burns, or accidents and the healing is not proper. What we do in Plastic Surgery is to reduce the size of the scar. For example you have a scar that is wide that is about 10 to 15 cms, or 20 square centimeters. We can reduce the size the scar and bring it down to a small line about 1 or 2 centimeters wide and the length of the scar can be reduced in certain cases what we do is to hide the scar in the natural lines. The human body has got natural hide lines. We try to hide the scars in between so that the scar is less visible. In either cases we try to hide the scars in the normal clothing line so that when you wear your clothes like a top or a bottom, shirts, skirt, saree, are not obvious. There will be those scars but they will be hidden form plain sight when you are normally clothed. Whether Plastic Surgery can remove those scars completely,? No, it is a myth. There is a lot of research going on for scar removal. In the future when technology improves, when our understanding of the body, the skin, the way the tissues react to injury improves, we may be able to completely remove the scars. Otherwise total removal of scars right now is quite difficult.


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