Magic Moments - My Best watch steals caught on tape

Описание к видео Magic Moments - My Best watch steals caught on tape

Stealing a watch from a flight attendant at 36,000 feet. That and four other unforgettable moments for magic lovers. During a meeting with Executives, meeting a Door to Door Sales Person, in the Grocery Store, and at a trade show. Too much fun to miss.
Mixology, Movement, Magic and Meeting. All about bartenders and bartending. How to make money and memorable moments. Did I say Money?

Enjoy a cocktail while this always charismatic industry icon puts his own spin on classic and innovative cocktail creations. Learn his techniques, flair, bar trickery and magic that will make you legendary on your own bar. Serneels travels the world, showcasing some of the globes iconic bars, and the epic bartenders that preside over them.


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