bible principles can they help us to cope with today's problems?

Описание к видео bible principles can they help us to cope with today's problems?

This YouTube video discusses the use of Bible principles to cope with today's problems. It starts by stating that we live in critical times, and asks the audience to think about the problems affecting them. The video emphasizes that the Bible provides basic truths and principles that help us understand how God thinks and feels about matters. It compares the Bible to an instruction book provided by Jehovah for mankind. By following these principles, our approach to problems will be successful.

The video then addresses why we should consult the Bible for advice. It mentions that there is a lot of advice available in today's world, but the Bible's principles are superior to anything else. It warns against being captivated by the world's philosophy and empty deception, and emphasizes the importance of listening to the Bible's counsel for wisdom.

The video gives examples of specific problems and the corresponding Bible principles to cope with them. It explains how to cope with conflicts by treating others the way you want to be treated, using the principle found in Matthew 7:12. It discusses pursuing peace by making an effort to promote peace and unity, as advised in Romans 12:18. Lastly, it addresses finding happiness and prioritizing values, highlighting Jesus' teaching that true happiness comes from giving rather than receiving, as stated in Acts 20:35.

Overall, this video encourages viewers to rely on Bible principles to navigate and overcome the challenges of today's world.


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