Book Launch: The Research Handbook on International Solidarity and the Law

Описание к видео Book Launch: The Research Handbook on International Solidarity and the Law

Current global challenges include health emergencies, climate change, increased global inequality, and demands for self-determination which require international solidarity responses by states and civil society. The Research Handbook on International Solidarity and the Law analyzes the expressions of international solidarity within different legal regimes and contextual situations. It addresses the scope of international solidarity in relation to human rights and duties, in particular the need to safeguard transnational civic spaces to promote emancipatory strategies for marginalized groups.

This book launch will include discussion of the successes and challenges of implementing international solidarity in relation to specific global challenges as well as the role of international institutions, including the Inter-American Human Rights Court and Commission as well as the ICJ. It will also include presentations by a selection of the authors and Q&A/discussion.


Obijiofor Aginam, UN University
Cecilia Bailliet (moderator), ASIL Latin America Interest Group
Usha Natarajan, Yale Law School
Vasuki Nesiah, New York University
Elizabeth Salmon, Pontifica Universidad Catolica del Peru
Alex Zhang (welcome remarks), ASIL International Legal Research Interest Group


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