Wild dogs catching a waterbuck, the full version with previously left out parts. Viewer discretion.

Описание к видео Wild dogs catching a waterbuck, the full version with previously left out parts. Viewer discretion.

My old PC did not allow me to burn long videos but I have upgraded and can now give you the combined video of the almost 3 hours long spectacle of a pack of about 25 wild dogs firstly coming off second best against one waterbuck and then succeeding in taking a two in one, a mother with her unborn calf. This took place at Jones dam, about 17 km north of Skukuza in Kruger National Park, home of the big five but also home of other fierce predators more successful than lions and leopards in hunting. We followed the pack for about 4 or five kilometers until they came across a herd of waterbuck close to the dam. The chase was on and the waterbuck ran down to the dam hoping for refuse in the water. She then stuck her backside in a bush and held the pack at bay with flying hooves until they lost interest. They then went back to the herd and singled out another female which also ran down to the dam. Again this animal stuck her backside in a bush but this time the female lost her nerve and tried to make a dash for it with fatal consequences. The pack quickly pulled her down and that was the end of her and her calf. The pack took about an hour to strip the carcass down to the bone which gave enough time for about 200 vultures to gather around, hoping for a morsel to strip from the bones. After a long wait they were given the opportunity to share in the kill and it was a free for all.


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