What is a Traceless Facelift? | Explained by Dr. David Stoker

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I'm Dr. David Stoker, a board-certified plastic surgeon in Los Angeles. Today I'd like to talk to you about the Traceless Facelift. That is the type of facelifts that I have evolved into in my practice, where I do a lot of facial rejuvenation surgery. There are some critical things about the procedure, and it stems from a patient request that I received again and again throughout my practice, is will I appear natural, will other people be able to tell that I've had plastic surgery?

However, the results of a facelift can be profound. It makes patients feel a lot better, and it's very common to be able to remove more than 10 years of an aged appearance with a well-done facelift, mostly when done in conjunction with other procedures. Here are some of the critical items that I consider when performing a Traceless Facelift. Number one is what are we trying to do? Now, you might say, "Well, what's the difference between a facelift and a neck lift?" They are overlapping procedures.

Often we perform a face and a neck lift together because if you are tightening the lower skin of the neck so much, meaning a significant amount, you almost need to perform a lower facelift in order to get a smooth transition between the two. This brings up the important point of, is it the same procedure we do each time? The answer is a definite no. Every single one of these procedures is tailored to the individual patient's needs.

We need to consider the patient's bony structure, their fat, skin, aging, musculature, what other types of procedures we're going to be performing at the same time, and what other procedures they've had in the past when we arrive at our operative plan. The Traceless Facelift is going to involve all of these things; improving the neck, improving the lower face, the marionette lines, the cheek folds, and the lower nasal labial folds, where we're going to target the most significant improvements.

The first key to getting a beautiful Traceless result is to use a multiple plane approach. What does that mean? It means it's not a skin only operation. The most comfortable plane to address is the skin. The skin is that most simple approach, and, of course, that is an essential component. After I lift the skin, I lift a second muscle layer down below, it's called the SMAS platysma, and it encompasses this entire area of the face and neck.

What I do is I elevate that plane both above and below, and I put a lot of tension on that muscle. That's keen because it repositions all of the deep tissues of the face. It's not visible on the outside skin so I can put a lot more tension on that area without worrying about creating an artificial appearance. The next step would be adjusting the skin, which is done in a slightly different vector, a slightly different direction from the muscle repair because we're trying to accomplish something different.

We're not only trying to lift the tissues but we're trying to smooth out those little wrinkles and lines, and that is in a different direction in the muscle. It is critical to understand that in getting a beautiful result. In addition to concealing those incisions in very discrete areas that don't distort a person's hairline, it doesn't distort their ear, it is hidden with different hairstyles. The actual incision itself is going to heal so beautifully that it will be difficult for anybody to detect, sometimes even plastic surgeons.

Another key component to the Traceless Facelift is not a facelift at all, it's what other procedures am I performing at the same time. The vast majority of my patients undergo additional procedures that are complementary to a Traceless Facelift. Those might include upper or lower eyelid surgeries, lateral brow lifts, chin augmentation, fractional laser resurfacing, buccal fat pad reduction. Not all of those procedures, but in some cases, certain of those procedures will be highly complementary.

I can get profound improvements for patients; sometimes up to 10 years, I think more than even 20 years in these combined surgical procedures in the right candidate. It makes me really happy to make this big of a difference in patient's lives, and you can see for yourself when you review our before and after picture gallery.
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