
Описание к видео #healthyhair

Summer hair care routine!
Wanted to show you all the steps and some products I have liked to use this summer.
#washday #washroutine #summerhaircare #kinkyhair #4c #4b #texture #coily

🐝b l e s s
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t i m e s t a m p s ↴
0:00 Intro
0:23 Wash Routine Starts
1:04 Cleansers
2:47 Conditioner
5:36 Moisturizer
6:58 Styler
8:57 Take Down
10:00 Results
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d e e t s ↴
Melanin Haircare African Black Soap Reviving Shampoo https://bit.ly/3B3FFzO
NaturAll Club Hydrating Shampoo (new formula) https://naturallclub.com/products/hyd...

(old formula) https://amzn.to/388ntIM
Miche Beauty Peaches n Cream Deep Conditioner (sold out) alternate
Miche Beauty Indulge Deep Conditioner https://www.michebeauty.com/collectio...
Nectar & Mane Heavenly Hydration Deep Threat Conditioner (no longer sold)
SwirlyCurly Frizz Reducing Hair Turban https://www.swirlycurlyhair.com/produ...
Felicia Leatherwood Brush With The Best Detangle Brush https://amzn.to/3msJ5bs
NaturAll Club Hydrating Leave-In Conditioner (new formula)

(old formula) https://amzn.to/2XHUglY
Curls The Ultimate Styling Collection B Enviable Creamy Curl Gel (Medium Hold) https://amzn.to/3mosNQI
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f i n d m e ↴
[email protected] (business only)
📷   / _bubsbee  
TikTok https://tiktok.com_bubsbee
🎵   / bubsbee  
🐤   / _bubsbee  
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💰 d i s c o u n t s + a f f i l i a t e s ↴
My Amazon Store https://www.amazon.com/shop/_bubsbee
Treluxe (15% Off) use code: bubsbee15 https://discovertreluxe.com/?rl=27
Swirly Curly Snappees (15% Off) use code: BubsBeeCoupon15 http://www.swirlycurlyhair.com?aff=241
NaturAll Club (10% Off) use code : NATURALLBUBSBEE https://www.naturallclub.com?aff=27
KinkyTresses (15% Off) use code: BUBS15 https://www.kinkytresses.com
Kadima Organics http://kadimaobp.com/?ref=thebubsbee
Moisture Love (15% Off) https://moisturelove.com?sca_ref=370685.3aCSegiC1X
WonderCurl (10% Off) use code: BUBSBEE https://www.wondercurl.com

f a q s ↴
Natural? How long? : 7 Years since October 2020 + transitioned for 7 months
Porosity? Low
Texture? Medium, Coarse Strands
Density? High
Type? Curls, Coils, Kinks -- You can say Type 4
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f t c ✿ This video is NOT sponsored however some affiliate links may be present which means I may get a small commission if you decide to purchase through the links provided. I also would like to note that sometimes I receive products for PR purposes as a gift from a brand to use however I feel necessary, these products are marked with an asterisk (📌) - all opinions are my own of course.


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