Reviewing Ben Shapiro's Garbage Short Story Collection

Описание к видео Reviewing Ben Shapiro's Garbage Short Story Collection

Back with another look at terrible Conservative literature. Maybe this should become a series.

This time I’ll be discussing three short stories written by Ben Shapiro. They’re pretty bad.

This book was published a year before his novel, though I suspect Ben wrote some of these when he was much younger. They reveal a lack of maturity, and the faintest glimmer of talent. But more often than not it’s dashed into oblivion by the heavy hand of his ham-fisted ideological tilts.

I believe, and have certainly read, many great works of literature by conservative authors. The reason this one fails isn’t because of what it believes, but it’s inability to portray those beliefs in a meaningful story. As much as I disagree with Ben Shapiro politically, that’s not (entirely) what’s wrong with these stories. The main problem is Ben is just really bad at putting together a story.
Someone please tell him to write more. The pain is starting to feel good.

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