¿Podemos consumir de forma simplemente consciente? | Ally Vispo | TEDxBarcelona

Описание к видео ¿Podemos consumir de forma simplemente consciente? | Ally Vispo | TEDxBarcelona

El movimiento Zero Waste consiste en no crear ningún tipo de residuo, pero sobre todo en cambiar la forma en la que consumimos, para así poder fomentar una economía circular en la que los productos se diseñan teniendo en cuenta el impacto medioambiental de sus materiales y con la idea de que sean duraderos, reutilizables y reparables. Ally Vispo is a writer and content creator and currently resides in Barcelona, after a decade living in London, where she worked as Managing Editor of a fashion magazine. Four years ago she began to lead a Zero Waste and vegan lifestyle, and through her social networks and content she tries to inspire others to get started in the movement that will change the world.

Ally Vispo is a writer and content creator and currently resides in Barcelona, after a decade living in London, where she worked as Managing Editor of a fashion magazine. Four years ago she began to lead a Zero Waste and vegan lifestyle, and through her social networks and content she tries to inspire others to get started in the movement that will change the world. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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