Near To The Heart Of God.

Описание к видео Near To The Heart Of God.

“We can find peace and comfort if we stay near to the heart of God”.

Arranger : Walt Harrah

Near to The Heart Of God

To be creative, Rev. Armstrong McAffee prepared an original hymn for his church choir each quarter during the Holy Communion.

He usually wrote his stanzas on the theme he chose for his sermon, setting them to appropriate music.

His people began to anticipate their gifted minister’s hymns and tunes with the same eagerness with which they looked forward to his sermons.

Then that tragedy struck with unexplained suddenness. Diphtheria claimed his brother’s two precious daughters as victims. The brothers and sister, with their close-knit families, offered to the bereaved parents all the love and understanding and sympathy their hearts could muster

The young pastor began to think about the communion hymn he wanted to write for the following Sunday morning. Soon he was saying to himself, “We can find peace and comfort if we stay near to the heart of God”.

And soon the words were flowing from his facile pen, and he found himself writing, “There is a place of quiet rest, Near to the heart of God; A place where sin cannot molest, Near to the heart of God.”

—Ernest K. Emurian


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