AMAZING New Turn-Based Tactics Roguelike!! | Let's Try Trash of the Titans

Описание к видео AMAZING New Turn-Based Tactics Roguelike!! | Let's Try Trash of the Titans

Get Trash of Titans:

It's turn-based fantasy tactics with trash animals. Defend your trash from invading rats, and eat your trash to upgrade your team. Think your way out of ruin by using the shape of each level to your advantage. Be creative, and try to not die.

The Let's Try series is a way to preview / review games in order to get my first impressions through the first moments of gameplay.

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➡ 3edgy5me863, Ashbinator, BigLow, Chrysophrase,
Deadendsaint, Dysnomia, etheron369, Hephaestus, ihavehalfasoul, Junogray, JusticeTom, Kage_Shukuun, Little Hink, MoreThanAwesome, Nydeleric, Osoleve, Piegood, ProjectLlama, Riffler Underhill, Rostepher, Romulus, Sainey, Sebastian Benn, Skoore, SpaceTime, Spence, StormXVI, The Turtle, and Throwbo!

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