Pachypodium lamerei - growing & care (Madagascar palm)

Описание к видео Pachypodium lamerei - growing & care (Madagascar palm)

Pachypodium lamerei - growing and care (Madagascar palm)
Pachypodium lamerei for sale
How to grow Pachypodium lamerei (Madagascar palm)
Alternative names: Madagascar Palm, Pachypodium
Information about how to grow and requirements for grow and care, best way to start to grow succulent plant, propagation method seeds or other option and if it is necessary that the plant will be grafted or start from clone, checking difficulties or problems when growing, pests or diseases.
Season of planting, pruning and how to prune, height of the plant, sun exposure: sun or shade and if it’s fast growing plant or slow growing plant. Water requirement: how much irrigation need to give to the plant and If it possible to grow it in planter, flowerpot, containers or to grow and care at outdoor the plant indoor as houseplant?
Morphological charters: leaves, flower and shape of the plant
White flowers with bowl shape.
Pachypodium lamerei for sale - All what need to know before buy the plant
All those answer and much more can be found in this video.
#Pachypodium_lamerei, #Pachypodium, #Madagascar_palm


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