Crucial Learning | It Starts with Training . . .

Описание к видео Crucial Learning | It Starts with Training . . .

It starts with training...

The skills that have been brought into our faculty through Crucial Conversations, Crucial Confrontations, and very shortly, Influencer, are really making a difference in what we do day to day. I think things are going better for our patients, things are certainly going better for our students and faculty, and we're very excited that its going to have an impact on Canada overall.

One, it's the fundamental element, communication and dialog in your business. As a CEO you're one individual, you work with other folks and through other folks. Communicating your vision and communicating where you're trying to go and their ability to communicate to their folks where they're trying to go is of paramount importance. Why wouldn't you invest in trying to improve that communication?

One of the things we like most about Crucial Conversations Training is the impact it's having at the city. People are talking top to bottom. We're solving conflicts and moving the organization ahead.

One of the more exciting things for me as I've trained Influencer over the past several years, is I've seen teachers in school classrooms be able to impact student behavior and I've seen marked increase in student success. We've been able to measure it and we've been able to get that fire to start to spread.

I've taught Crucial Conversations since 2008, and recently started to teach Influencer, and have been fascinated by the Change Anything book. Have read it, and given it away, and decided to try the strategy myself in regards to losing some weight and keeping it off--related to snacking, I'm a big snacker. So I went through the model, I found some crucial moments, and I was able to make those changes. I've lost the weight and have kept it off for over three months and I'm hoping forever.

I have a file drawer full of cards, notes, and emails from people who have said, "thank you so much for delivering this content to me." I've had people say its saved their marriages other people who have said it's helped me to turn around my team. People are just so incredibly grateful for that training, for those great tips and techniques.

Crucial Conversations helped save my career. I was put on probation for frequent blowups when I was dealing with coworkers. I was told that if I didn't change, I was going to be terminated. Not only did the tools I learned through Crucial Conversations help me keep my job but it has made it so that coworkers come to me for advice on how to deal with similar situations. I recognize them much sooner than I used to. My wife no longer knows how to deal with the behaviors because they're not the same as they used to be. She likes me better, I like me better, and this old dog learned new tricks.

I attribute the relationship I have with my parents today to Crucial Conversations. If I hadn't practiced those skills, our relationship could have died from anger and indifference. But because one friend introduced me to Crucial Conversations, I ended up getting what I really wanted, a relationship with my family.

So thank you VitalSmarts.

Thank you.

Thank you.

It starts with training. It ends with saved marriages, salvaged careers, repaired relationships, and new behaviors.


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