Kidney disease in cats

Описание к видео Kidney disease in cats

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the most common illnesses affecting older cats and is estimated to affect more than one third of cats aged 11 years and over. Typical clinical signs include weight loss in association with a variable/poor appetite, an increase in thirst, sometimes vomiting/nausea and vague signs of ill health: your cat just not being quite right. Diagnosis requires collection of blood and urine samples for analysis. CKD is a progressive condition – it will get worse with time – but thanks to advances in our understanding of this condition, it is now possible to successfully manage most cases of CKD for several years following diagnosis. One of the most important management strategies is feeding a food that is low in phosphate as this has been proven to improve quality and length of life for cats with CKD. Sarah will explain more about all of the treatment options in her presentation with some practical tips for supporting cats with CKD at home.


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