EQ For Mix Clarity: Sonimus SoneEQ 2 Review

Описание к видео EQ For Mix Clarity: Sonimus SoneEQ 2 Review

►► Sonimus SonEQ2: https://sonimus.com/products/soneq2/?...

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What's the best approach to EQ for mix clarity?

Have you ever felt that your mix was sounding almost there in the studio...

But ends up sounding just a little too muffled or muddy when played back in your car or on other playback systems?

This is a classic challenge that almost all mixers face, but it's especially challenging when you're mixing heavier genres of music.

Fast double kicks

Pounding bass tracks

Low-endy guitar tracks

Throw some tracks of someone screaming bloody murder on top of it all and it's extremely easy to end up with a mix that sounds like a blanket's covering your sound system.

So, how do you go about remedying this issue?

In particular...what's the best way go about clearing up your mix when you pretty much like what you already have..

You just wanna lift the "blanket" off your mix.

People don't talk about this enough, but it's amazing just how much of an impact subtle EQ moves can have on your mix's clarity (when done the right way) and that's exactly what I demonstrate in this video.

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All music in video mixed and mastered @ http://www.frightboxrecording.com


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