Watch A Gold-Standard Solar Installation - Start To Finish.

Описание к видео Watch A Gold-Standard Solar Installation - Start To Finish.

Thinking of installing a solar power system on your house? Watch a proper solar installation so you can learn the difference between a high-quality, diligent solar install compared to a cheap, rushed one.

Often people come to us with two quotes asking for advice. Both quotes use the same brand of solar panel and inverter, but one quote is much cheaper (and is not from a SolarQuotes-referred installer).

They ask: "Surely all installations are the same? So why shouldn't I go with the cheaper quote?".

It can be quite hard to explain the difference between a good and bad installation over the phone. So we made this video demonstration a gold-class installation, while pointing out some of the installation shortcuts that are taken by the dirt-cheap subcontractors.

0:00 - Introduction
0:26 - Solar power system specs
1:19 - The racking
3:59 - Switchboard challenge
6:48 - Inverter installation
10:15 - New switchboard
10:52 - Inverter programming
12:13 - A quality installation
12:52 - Final inverter inspection
13:56 - Installation summary

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Established in 2009, makes it quick and easy for Australians to source quotes for solar power systems from pre-vetted installers and valuable information on solar panels, inverters, batteries, energy efficiency and more!

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