I Hate Every False Way | Donnie Swaggart | Sunday Morning Service

Описание к видео I Hate Every False Way | Donnie Swaggart | Sunday Morning Service

I HATE EVERY FALSE WAY- There is a specific way to live, which is the way of the Bible. Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Donnie Swaggart reads Psalm 5:4-5, Psalm 7:11, and Psalm 119:1-6, along with verses 97-104. Brother encourages us that we must live solely to what the Bible says. Our testimony is living by the precepts of the Word of God. It is the law we obey, and Biblical morality must rule over all other laws. Brother Donnie says anytime government enacts legislation contrary to the Word of God, we must not obey it. That means, we must also vote as closely as possible for political candidates that align their votes accordingly. Righteousness is produced when we are obedient to God's Word. We can only learn Christ's path of light by believing in His finished work, and obeying the plan that is laid out in the Bible. God's Word should be the final authority in every single aspect of our lives. God hates every false way; He does not hate a person, the sinner; but rather, He hates sin and all things that seek to destroy His children.

Donnie Swaggart, Sin, False Doctrine, Iniquity, Stand, Hypocrisy, Lying, Murder, Righteousness, The Word


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