A 3,800km interconnector! - Modo: The Podcast (ep. 47: Xlinks)

Описание к видео A 3,800km interconnector! - Modo: The Podcast (ep. 47: Xlinks)

Today we are revisiting an old favourite that you might have missed the first time round, one year on from its recording!

This is still one of the most ambitious projects we’ve ever seen. Harnessing the power of the Moroccan sun and transporting the subsequent electricity 3,800 km to Great Britain, Xlinks is building an interconnector whose sheer size will eclipse anything else of its ilk.

Project Director Richard Hardy joins Quentin to discuss:
- How an interconnector works.
- The technical challenges involved in building a project of this size.
- What's involved in getting multiple governments and countries on board for a project like this.
- Why this project is only the beginning for the industry.
- And, of course, where Xlinks fits into all of this.

About our guest:
Xlinks exists to capture the power of nature to generate a near-constant, low-cost energy supply and connect it to the point of consumption in real-time.

Read more: https://platform.modo.energy/phase/ar...


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