10 Signs & Symptoms of Gastrointestinal Cancer | Stomach Cancer-Dr.Nanda Rajaneesh | Doctors' Circle

Описание к видео 10 Signs & Symptoms of Gastrointestinal Cancer | Stomach Cancer-Dr.Nanda Rajaneesh | Doctors' Circle

Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh | Appointment booking number: 8971755794
Consultant Onco Surgeon and Laparoscopic Surgeon|Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Bengaluru
We classify GI Cancers into Upper GI Cancer and lower GI Cancers. The common Upper GI Cancers is Stomach cancer, whereas common lower GI Cancer is Colon Cancer. The stomach cancer has certain signs and symptoms, they arise because in the stomach the tumor start growing and it fills the volume of the stomach so this is why the signs and symptoms start with loss of appetite, fullness of the stomach and as and when the cancer signs decreases, it gets eroded due to food and contractions of the stomach and it starts bleeding and patient stats vomiting that as melena or blood can be vomited or it can go in the motion. So it is called as Melena. It is black in color and because they bleed massively they are anemic and because they bleed there is loss of appetite and the patient develops starvation like symptoms so going forward patient will develop symptom like starvation like symptoms. So there will be cachexia. So there will be loss of appetite and loss of massive weight so these are the common signs and symptoms of Stomach Cancers.


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