LEARN POSITIONS IN CSS - Static, Relative, Absolute, Fixed, Sticky | CSS TUTORIAL - PART 20 | TAMIL

Описание к видео LEARN POSITIONS IN CSS - Static, Relative, Absolute, Fixed, Sticky | CSS TUTORIAL - PART 20 | TAMIL

Hey guys,
In this video, we seen css positions. By using Positions in css we can place the elements in a web page precisely. Without left, right, top, bottom properties nothing will happen, the position won't work for an element. And also, It is very crucial for creating complex layouts and visually appealing in a web page.
There are five types of Css Positions:
1. Static - it is default position. static positioned elements are not affected by top, right, bottom and left properties.
2. Relative - It moves from original position by setting left, top, bottom, right properties.
3. Absolute - the element position is depends upon the parent position.
4. Fixed - it is fixed position, the element poisitions won't change when the page scrolled.
5. Sticky - It is combined features of relative and fixed.

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