Retro Raleigh Titanium MTB restoration finishing touches: Purple for the People

Описание к видео Retro Raleigh Titanium MTB restoration finishing touches: Purple for the People

The 1992 Raleigh Dyna Tech Ogre Titanium I restored earlier this year has been gnawing at my mind for a while. It needed one urgent fix and a few finishing touches.
The theme in Dr Frankenbike's Laboratory this time is Purple - specifically jumping on that 90s craze for purple anodised everything, without having to remortgage your home to buy Ringle, Cook Bros, Grafton or even more extreme jewellery.
This bike is never going to be a flawless museum piece. It's seen a lot of action in its life, and a complete restoration would kill its authenticity I think. I still believe this is the first Dyna Tech MTB on YouTube, but I know there are lots of enthusiasts and collectors out there. I'd love to hear your comments as always.


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