SPSS: Gender Pay Gap Analysis | Bar chart, Box Plot & Hypothesis Testing, F Test, T Test

Описание к видео SPSS: Gender Pay Gap Analysis | Bar chart, Box Plot & Hypothesis Testing, F Test, T Test

In this video we perform the Gender Pay gap Analysis:
Gender pay gap analysis refers to the process of examining the difference in earnings between men and women in a particular organization, industry, or country. It involves collecting and analyzing data on salaries, bonuses, and other forms of compensation to determine if there is a significant difference between the earnings of male and female employees. Here are the basic steps involved in a gender pay gap analysis:

1. Define the scope of the analysis: Determine the scope of the analysis, including the organization or industry to be analyzed, the period covered by the analysis, and the variables to be examined.

2. Collect the data: Collect data on salaries, bonuses, and other forms of compensation paid to male and female employees. This data should be broken down by job title, level, and other relevant variables.

3. Calculate the gender pay gap: Calculate the difference between the average earnings of male and female employees. This can be done using a variety of measures, including median earnings, mean earnings, or earnings ratios.

4. Analyze the causes of the pay gap: Analyze the factors that contribute to the pay gap, including differences in education, experience, job roles, and other variables. This analysis can help identify areas where action can be taken to reduce the pay gap.

5. Develop solutions to address the pay gap: Once the causes of the pay gap have been identified, develop solutions to address them. These solutions may include changes to recruitment and promotion practices, training and development programs, and policies on pay and benefits.

6. Monitor and evaluate progress: Monitor progress in reducing the pay gap over time and evaluate the effectiveness of the solutions implemented. Make adjustments as necessary to achieve the desired outcomes.

Overall, a gender pay gap analysis involves collecting and analyzing data to determine the extent of the pay gap and identifying solutions to address it. It is an important step towards achieving gender equality in the workplace.


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