
Описание к видео #SundaySchool

This is the classic talk given by W. Cleon Skousen at the request of the Dallas Texas Mission President in December 1980. He speaks to these missionaries on the topic of the Saviors role in the creation and his crucifixion. Brother Skousen explains how Elder John A. Widstoe taught him these principles while on his mission in Great Britain in 1932. He talks about the great building blocks of the Universe: Intelligence and Matter.

Brother Skousen recorded in his journal, “There was such a marvelous spirit at the conference that I felt impressed to speak on the Atonement instead of the Christmas Story.

This discussion culminates in a wonderful perspective of the Master's love for each of us; His sacrifice and atonement; and how important our eternal lives are to Him.

0:00: 🌟 Challenging journey to the mission field as a young missionary, involving sacrifices and excitement.
5:27: 🎩 Audience member requests to hear from a Mormon elder not from Salt Lake City during a talk.
11:15: 🌟 Unexpected leadership opportunity in Ireland leads to successful missionary work in Belfast.
16:23: 💬 Reflecting on personal experiences of feeling the spirit and receiving answers to questions through prayer.
22:41: 🌟 Importance of Jesus' birthdate and appearance to the Shepherds explained by Cleon Skousen.
28:00: 📜 Reflection on Jesus' plea to God for an alternative path in the face of sacrifice.
35:03: 🔍 Exploration of the concept of intelligence as an active or passive building block in the universe.
41:30: ⚛️ God's science: Understanding the miracle of turning water into wine through natural laws.
47:54: 🔮 Moses receives divine confirmation through miraculous transformations of his staff and hand.
54:58: ⚖️ The atonement does not allow for one person to pay for the sins of another, as stated in Alma 34:11.
1:01:12: ⛪️ Profound reflections on the sacrifice and suffering of Jesus Christ and its impact on his mother.
1:07:56: 🕵️‍♂️ Methodist minister mistakenly identifies Dr. Skousen as a Methodist, later learns he is a traditional Mormon.
1:14:44: ⚖️ Exploration of the significance of Jesus Christ's sacrifice in overcoming justice with mercy.


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