Capacity Building Grants webinar, Sept. 3

Описание к видео Capacity Building Grants webinar, Sept. 3

To help increase transparency and understanding of our grantmaking philosophy, we hosted a series of live webinars where we go in-depth on our approach to funding and our new grant types, including a Q&A session where participants asked questions directly to Kauffman leadership. Join Kauffman Foundation Chief Impact & Strategy Officer Allison Greenwood Bajracharya, Chief Research, Learning, & Evaluation Officer, Dr. Yvonne Owens Ferguson, and Senior Impact Officer Jenny Kelly as they outline the Foundation’s grantmaking philosophy to close economic mobility gaps – and answer your questions.

To learn more about funding opportunities at the Kauffman Foundation and our grantmaking philosophy, go to

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00:00 Welcome
01:39 Grantmaking relaunch
04:18 What we’re funding
06:23 Grant opportunities
06:40 Capacity Building grants
07:00 Collective Impact grants
07:27 Sunset grants
07:43 Project grants
07:54 Research grants
08:13 Kauffman Uncommon Leadership Award
08:42 Approach to metrics and reporting
11:38 Capacity Building grant overview
15:24 Examples of organizational capacity building initiatives
16:30 Community outreach
17:10 Q&A
17:22 Prioritizing capacity in Kansas City
18:02 Can we use funds for hiring?
18:52 Can funds be used to increase physical space?
19:27 Can orgs apply for more than one pathway at the same time?
20:02 Can orgs apply for Sunset grants and Capacity Building grants?
20:46 What does “one-time grant” mean?
22:18 Clarification on flexibility of grant term
23:20 Can an org apply for both a Capacity Building grant and be part of a Collective Impact grant?
23:51 Are capacity building goals that support Kauffman Foundation goals favored?
24:38 Does my org need metrics to be able to apply for a Capacity Building grant?
25:37 Could Capacity Building funds be used to contract a consultant to build our marketing or a larger fund development strategy?
26:28 What if my org fits into multiple focus areas?
26:51 Could this grant apply to nonprofits addressing healthcare equity issues?
27:17 Additional clarity on grant terms
27:44 Do Capacity Building grants have a geographic requirement?
28:59 For project-based grants, if an entity is new, does it need to be legally formed and have a 501(c)3 approval before applying?
29:20 Clarification around eligibility
30:25 When does the application window close?
30:49 Does lobbying and policy making fit into these grants?
31:24 Additional clarity on the potential for applying for multiple grants at once
32:45 Clarification around Sunset grants
34:30 Are “real time” key performance indicators allowed instead of matrix reporting?
34:32 Additional clarification on metrics and reporting
36:33 Do you fund orgs that provide Capacity Building for other orgs?
36:57 Is Kauffman prioritizing FastTrac when reviewing entrepreneurship proposals that include entrepreneurship curriculum?
38:34 What can I do to prepare for Office Hours?
40:35 Would program development include establishing strategic partnerships?
41:05 Can these funds be used to help build capacity to increase capital base for revolving loan fund for underserved entrepreneurs?
42:20 Can a single Capacity Building grant cover multiple areas?
43:11 Does size of an organization affect eligibility?
44:32 More clarification on Sunset grants
46:04 What is the difference between a Project grant and a Capacity Building grant?
47:05 Is the funding amount per grant period or per lifetime with an individual org?
47:50 Can funding be used to plan an event that helps generate more funding?
48:34 Are there age limits or other restrictions that might apply to a newly launched entity before it can receive funding?
50:03 Does indirect policy apply to Capacity Building grants?
50:52 Can an intermediary apply for capacity building for smaller orgs?


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