Business Email Compromise: Operation Wire Wire and New Attack Vectors

Описание к видео Business Email Compromise: Operation Wire Wire and New Attack Vectors

Anne Connell, Cybersecurity Engineer, CMU – SEI – CERT

The FBI (IC3) received 600,000 cybercrime and fraud complaints in 2017 with reported losses in excess of $12.5 Billion, and BEC was the number one cause of loss. This talk will analyze “Operation Wire Wire” to detail how targets are identified, methods for obtaining information, the new attack vectors—beyond impersonation, invoices and social engineering—and offers new defense techniques.Learning Objectives:1: Understand the new attack vectors BEC scammers use.2: Know how the BEC targets are identified and the methods to obtain information.3: Learn how to defend against the new attack vectors of BEC and stop the wire transfer.Pre-Requisites:Understanding basic attack vectors and techniques, leveraging social engineering tactics to identify targets, and a grasp of the cost that BEC has to an organization.


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