The Next Big Revenue Driver for McDonald’s

Описание к видео The Next Big Revenue Driver for McDonald’s

Imagine walking into McDonald’s, stomach growling, planning to grab a simple double cheeseburger. In front of you is one of their now-iconic self-order terminals (SOTs), a staple in most modern fast-food chains. You browse the touchscreen menu, intending to stick to your budget. Minutes later, you leave with a loaded bag: a bacon burger, fries, a coke, chicken nuggets, and even a dessert. Sound familiar? This common experience often leaves customers wondering how they spent more than expected.

The introduction of SOTs has revolutionized fast-food dining, significantly boosting the average order value. But what’s the secret behind this surge? In this video, Successful Person dives into the user interface design of McDonald’s SOTs—one of the most widely used systems worldwide—and uncovers the subtle yet powerful strategies these machines employ to encourage higher spending.

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