Episode 1.28 (250104_364_371)

Описание к видео Episode 1.28 (250104_364_371)

Article 364. Zoning
1. Each natural protective area may be divided into different zones as follows:
a. Core Zone: has high value for conservation of (animal or plant) species that are
rare, nearly extinct, or threatened, wild animal breeding sites, and fragile
ecosystems. Access to this zone shall be prohibited except for officials responsible
for natural protected areas management on duty and natural scientific researchers
to protect and conserve natural resources, biodiversity, and the environment with
prior authorization from the ministry responsible for environment and natural
resources and when it is necessary for national security and defence.
b. Conservation Zone: This is adjacent to the Core Zone and has value for natural
resource conservation, ecosystems, watersheds, and natural scenery areas. Access
to this Zone shall have prior authorization from officials responsible for natural
protected areas management, except for national security and defence necessity.
The use of by-products of natural resources in the Zone for local community
livelihood, which does not affect biodiversity, shall be under the control of the
officials responsible for national protected area management.
c. Sustainable Use Zone: has economic value for national economic development,
direct management, and conservation of natural protected areas, and contributes to
raising the local community’s livelihood. The royal government may allow for
sustainable biodiversity development in the area as proposed by the ministry
responsible for environment and natural resources in consultation with relevant
ministries or institutions, subnational administrations, and local communities in
compliance with legal procedures.
d. Community Zone: contributes to economic and social development of a local
community with existing activities including but not limited to housing, rice fields,
plantations, and public physical infrastructure. Issuance of an immobile property
ownership certificate or permission to use land in this Zone shall receive prior
approval from the Ministry of environment and natural resources in compliance
with the applicable law and regional instruments.
2. Determination of zoning in each natural protected area shall be determined by a sub-decree.
3. These natural protected areas shall not cover those designed to and managed by APSARA
Authority or other authorities entrusted by the Royal Government.
Article 365. Criteria for zoning
1. Zoning and zone modification, asstated in Article 364 (Zoning) of this Code, shall be based
on the following criteria:
a. The purpose of zone management
b. Potential natural resource value in each zone
c. Economic, social, and cultural impacts on the zone
d. Possible support of natural resources
e. Zone’s geographical location
2. Guidelines for each zoning in natural protected areas shall be determined in the broadcast
of the minister responsible for environment and natural resources.
Article 366. Modification of zone boundary
Modification of a zone boundary as stated in Article 364 (Zoning) of this Code shall be
based on the following:
a. Specific scientific and ecosystem information, including about wildlife species,
biodiversity resources, traditional knowledge, genetic diversity, economic, social,
and cultural resources that have changed or been threatened.
b. Compliance with government policies and strategies.
Article 367. Mapping, installing boundary markers, and registering state public land
1. The ministry responsible for environment and natural resources shall establish an official
mapping of each natural protected area, define on the map with precise coordinates under
participation from the Ministry or institutions responsible for land management, urban
planning, and construction, relevant ministries or institutions, subnational administration,
in consultation with local communities.
2. The ministry responsible for environment and natural resources under participation from
relevant ministries or institutions and subnational administration shall develop zoning as
stated in Article 360 (Zoning) and Article 365 (Criteria for zoning) of this Code and install
boundary markers and register state public land in each natural protected area as indicated
in the designated map.


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