Favorite goose hunt!

Описание к видео Favorite goose hunt!

This was a really special hunt. We've been 5 close friends for several years and talk almost daily but we had never had the stars align in a way that we can all make the same hunt on the same day. We all had other obligations and conflicting schedules but carved out a half day for a hunt I'll always value imensely.

It was also fun because the birds didn't give it away and were all stale birds that have likely been here for monts. They were soo spooky they were flaring on live birds in other fields we could see. We had to work many flocks and often they would circle several times and lock up then get nervous and lift off. Lots of birds were real high too. We were able to convince some to come take a look and some to decoy so we didn't go home empty handed.

This is also the first hunt I've ever tried to film ever in the very long time and many hunts I've been on. It's an interesting different approach to filming and I got good footage but also missed different things I wish I would have gotten. I think I'll definetly film more hunts in the future and hopefully next year I'll get out alot more than this year.

Thx for coming guy! You know who you all are and I hope it doesn't take several years to do it again.

Thx for watching.
Have a great day!


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