Yakub The Scientist

Описание к видео Yakub The Scientist

A video about Yakub the Scientist and the Nation of Islam

Kofi link: https://ko-fi.com/stoicstick

Yakub The Scientist Transcript:
Of the 3 Abrahamic religions there have been many offshoots of each all claiming to be the most divinely inspired or the most correct but one in particular has cultivated mass internet spectacle and of course I am talking about the Nation of Islam and in particular the story of Yakub the Scientist, the religion has been described as as well as which is a recipe for a good time in my opinion so in today’s video we will be taking a look at the NOI, what it is, who Yakub is and what the future holds for the Yakubites and the NOI. Now before we get into who founded it let me set tell you a bit about the core philosophies so you understand how eccentric in my opinion some of it is, The Nation believes that god first consciously took the image of a black man and that the black race in its true form was divine, not only that but the NOI also believes that there is no after life, so already it would be considered heresy by the 3 major Abrahamic religions. Now that we have the baseline okay, lets get into who founded the religion. The Nation was founded by Wallace Fard Mohammed in Detroit Michigan in 1930. Already there may be a slight issue that some of the more perceptive of you might have picked up. WF Muhammed is not even black, like yes let me start an ethno supremist religion based on the principle of a skin colour that I am not a part of. They also believe that WF Muhammed is God but they also believe that God is not immortal and is constantly replaced by other quote unquote black men. This is great and all but only 4 years after he founded the NOI WF Muhammed disappeared into thin air in 1934 even the FBI and CIA lost track of him, no body found or anything. So, a strange start to their religion ok but ill keep an open mind. The NOIs views of the genesis of the universe is that 76 trillion years ago God, over the course of million years took the form of a black man and started creating life. He first created the planets and then created other black men to be his helpers, 24 of them infact which were his scientists. All of these scientists take turns being god, and 6000 years ago was our boy Yakubs turn. Yakub was born in Mecca which didn’t exist 6000 years ago but we will skip over that fact, technically in this story the earth was a piece of the blown up moon and that’s because of a whole different heap of things that we have to get into like angels giant ozone layers gold mining. YAKUB: “ My Child I am speaking to you now, I have created you, the white race and as such you must obey your creator, follow this youtube channel for when the time is right I shall activate you and give you the tools that you will need to rule again. But until then we must bide our time. The hour is nigh” Snap Fingers Hey are you still there? Anyway, Yakub is born and he is born with an abnormally large head, so much so that other members of the tribe start to make fun of him for it which in turn makes him loathe his people. I mean he would have been an easy target with a hairline that bad, I don’t think I would have been any better than his peers now that I think about it. Continuing, At age 6 whilst playing with magnets he discovered the law of attraction and repulsion, this discovery led Yakub to devise a plan to create a new race, a race that with the powers of attraction could trick and lie and rule the original black race. This insight led to a plan to create a new people. He "saw an unlike human being, made to attract others, who could, with the knowledge of tricks and lies, rule the original black man". But before he could act upon his plan he had to study which is what he did till the age of 18 by which point he exhausted all the schools and universities of mecca learning everything that there is to know. Through his findings he also discovered that within the black man there were two germs a black germ and a brown germ. With all this newfound knowledge he decided it was time to enact his plan and set off with 59,999 of his followers to the island of patmos where he would begin his plan. He would select the two lightest skin people from his following and breed them together to make lighter and lighter children, killing off any darker children that happened to be born. Yakub through all his efforts never managed to see the fruits of his labours dying at the age of 150 but his followers set in motion continued the process creating the first brown person 50 years after Yakub died and after 600 years total of eugenics and selective breeding the white man was born. Because they were born of eugenics and murder they were naturally evil…. And because their birth was a lie to the nature of the black mother it also made them naturally liars.


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