Area of Operations setup

Описание к видео Area of Operations setup

How to set up my Area of Operations mod.

Example mission setup (NATO vs Syndikat on Altis):
  / 26189762  

From the readme:

AO is a module-based whole-map dynamic campaign generator for SP/COOP Arma 3. It generates enemy forces, ambient civilians and 1 of 12 objective types each mission. Campaign progress is automatically saved at the end of a mission.

To win the campaign, players must 100+ victory points (from killing enemies and completing missions). Killing an enemy troop gives .5 points, completing a mission gives 10 points. There is also a "Political Will" rating which is reduced by civilian casualties and failed missions. If it reaches zero, the campaign will be failed.

The system works on any map (except if very small or there are no roads or no enterable buildings) and can be used with any faction.

Area of Operations download:
  / 26395535


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