Vincent Selvakumar Message | Lk 21 : 36 | Needed Prayers for the Last Days

Описание к видео Vincent Selvakumar Message | Lk 21 : 36 | Needed Prayers for the Last Days

In this Tamil Message (with English sub-titles), Bro. Vincent Selvakumaar begins with the basics: What is Prayer? What is the difference between Old Covenant Prayers and New Covenant Prayers? How a believer has to pray based on his circumstances? And finally he touches the topic of what are the different types of prayers that has to be prayed at various time periods!
After the introduction, he explains about a Christian's major responsibility during the Last Days is: 'He has to be a prayerful person!'
Based on the Book of Revelation; he explains some of the traces of End days and how a believer has to prepare himself in order to stand against the horrific events which are going to befall the earth. And based on Lk 21:36: and other Scriptural references, he explains what are the kinds of prayers that has to be prayed during the End days.
Watch, Share and be Blessed!


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