Playing all the Pastel Games #1: The Great Kitchen Escape

Описание к видео Playing all the Pastel Games #1: The Great Kitchen Escape

This is a bit of a side project to the "Playing every Mateusz Skutnik game" series. There's a great deal of general Pastel Games that have contributions from Mateusz Skutnik that he doesn't feature on his website, and also a lot of Pastel Games that don't feature anything from Mateusz Skutnik at all. To avoid having to do tons of dreaded resesarch, i've decided to just play them all. That and I already plan to play every video game that's ever been created anyways, so why not do it now.

Due to this being more of a publisher thing rather than a creator thing, this side series is going to be a lot more aimless, but i'll still share my opinions on the games as they come up. This is the first game of the "Great Escape" series. I definitely played at least one of these as a kid solely because I remember the hands you click to change the direction you're facing. You can see my full struggle on grasping the game mechanics here, but I still did beat it. I like the colorful art, the music, and the sheer ridiculousness of the way you escape the kitchen. Pretty decent game.


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