Gyeongbokgung Palace Royal Guard Changing Ceremony l 경복궁 수문장 교대식 (2023.5월) 4K

Описание к видео Gyeongbokgung Palace Royal Guard Changing Ceremony l 경복궁 수문장 교대식 (2023.5월) 4K

🗓 Recording date: May 2023

[Royal Guard Changing Ceremony]
10;00, 14;00 / 20 minutes per ceremony

In the Joseon dynasty, the royal guards of the palace were gatekeepers who were responsible for guarding the the main gates of Gyeongbokgung Palace as well as the main gates of the city such as Heunginjimun Gate and Sungnyemun Gate. The royal guards worked in shift duties and were in charge of opening and closing Gwanghwamun Gate. Before the royal guard system was enforced in 1469, the palace gates were protected by soldiers of the central army. The Palace Royal Guard Changing Ceremony held at Gyeongbokgung Palace and the Gwanghwamun area reenacts the guard-changing procedure that took place during the Joseon dynasty, along with the reproduction of costumes and weapons, based on historical records.

수문장 교대의식 : 10시, 14시 / 1일 2회 / 소요시간 20분

2002년부터 이어져오고 있는 경복궁 수문장 교대의식은 조선시대 왕실 호위문화를 상징하는 대표적인 전통문화행사입니다. ‘조선왕조실록’예종(睿宗) 1년(1469) 수문장제도의 시행 기록을 역사적 근거로 하여 재구성된 이 행사는 당시의 복식 및 무기 등을 복원하여 조선 전기(前期) 군인들의 모습을 생생하게 재현하는 것에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.

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