I PET GOAT 2 FULL by Heliofant

Описание к видео I PET GOAT 2 FULL by Heliofant

I had no part in making this video nor am I associated with the production company. It was brought to my attention that Youtube has removed it for unspecified reasons. I am sure there were reasons they or those who control them wished it not be viewed by the public. Screw Zio-Youtube and all the controllers who want to suppress the freedom of expression.

I have had to watch this multiple times to catch all of the amazing symbolism. Please watch and share.

Video can also be viewed here- http://vimeo.com/44583147

Heliofant homepage- http://www.heliofant.com/

Details about I, Pet Goat II- http://www.heliofant.com/gallery.html

More about Heliofant- http://www.heliofant.com/heliofant.html

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