UPSC CSE 2023 Topper Dr. Neha Rajput ने इस Strategy से लायी 1st Attempt में AIR-51| Josh Talks UPSC

Описание к видео UPSC CSE 2023 Topper Dr. Neha Rajput ने इस Strategy से लायी 1st Attempt में AIR-51| Josh Talks UPSC

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In this inspiring episode, we feature Dr. Neha Rajput, who achieved an All India Rank of 51 in the UPSC Civil Services Examination 2023, and did so in her very first attempt at the young age of 25.
Dr. Neha's story is a beacon of hope and inspiration for all UPSC aspirants. Unlike many who rely heavily on note-making, Dr. Neha focused on staying updated with current affairs by reading newspapers regularly. This unique approach played a crucial role in her success.
Her study routine was both disciplined and strategic. Dr. Neha started her mornings by solving Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), which helped her sharpen her problem-solving skills. Evenings were reserved for revising what she had learned, ensuring that her knowledge was always fresh and reinforced.
To maintain her focus, Dr. Neha limited her use of social media, only engaging with UPSC-based channels and groups that provided valuable insights and updates. This selective approach helped her avoid unnecessary distractions.
One of Dr. Neha's key strategies was setting clear targets each night for the next day. This practice not only kept her organized but also motivated her to achieve daily goals. She also emphasized the importance of mental health during preparation, advising aspirants to stay focused and avoid distractions.
Dr. Neha Rajput's journey is a testament to the power of dedication, smart strategies, and mental discipline. Her success story will undoubtedly inspire and guide countless UPSC aspirants on their own journeys.

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