5 Signs that Your Ex Doesn't Want You Back - Clay Andrews

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Clay Andrews discusses 5 signs your ex doesn’t want you back in this video.

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If you’re trying to get back together with your ex, you might be wondering if you’re making progress or if you’re just stagnating and possibly even wasting your time.

Now, it should be pretty obvious if your ex actually wants you back. Most of the signs your ex wants you back are pretty freaking obvious.

However, there are some that could be a bit tricky and are easy to over look.

But when it comes to signs that your ex absolutely does not want to get back together with you, that is another story.

1.) Your Ex Got Married to Someone Else

Your ex’s interest in their spouse, and disinterest in you or anyone else will be greatest immediately after they get married.

This should be really obvious, but many people simply just don’t get this…

2.) No Change

If there hasn’t been any change in the dynamic between you and your ex then that is probably a big sign that they don’t want to get back together with you.

Your ex isn’t going to come back into the same relationship that they walked out of in the first place, so you really need to demonstrate to them that something is different.

That’s why we focus so much on connection and showing your ex that you’re not the person that they broke up with.

3.) Reactance

I get into this more in the video but emotional reactance can and will keep your ex from wanting to get back together with you.

If your ex thinks that you have a hidden agenda, then their willingness to talk with you or interact with you is going to be very low.

YOu’ve got to get past the reactance if you want to get back together with your ex.

4.) They Are Still Hurt

Beyond reactance, if your ex is still hurt from something that you did or didn’t do during the breakup, they may still be holding on to that pain. And that pain may be blocking them from actually being able to interact with you in a meaningful way.

It doesn’t matter how good you are at connecting with them, if they can’t see past the pain, the connection just isn’t going to happen.

5.) You Aren’t Listening to Them

If you are only listening to your ex to see if what you are hearing lines up with your agenda or not and how to make it line up with your agenda, then you’re going to have a hard time.

Let it go and simply listen to your ex.

Be there with them, what are they experiencing? How can you connect with them? How is what you did impacting them?


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