Diorama (The Ride) 3D Steroscopic

Описание к видео Diorama (The Ride) 3D Steroscopic

The final result for my animation graduation project.
Not only was this movie in stereoscopic 3D but also was it shown in a tent/cabin with inhouse effects (wind, vibrating chairs, lights and smoke). (all made by me with a little help from outsiders.
What I wanted to show with my graduation project was that film and animation can be more fun and cooler when you can get the animation/ film into your world instead of using imagination to feel what you see.
Strangely I didn't graduate because they didn't find it logical enough and the story of the RIDE was unclear.

I like to thank everyone that helped me. and especially ELEVATE AUDIO for such a great soundtrack.


Информация по комментариям в разработке