A380 Tomcatters - Showcase

Описание к видео A380 Tomcatters - Showcase

Welcome to my Mods & Addons series of videos. In this short video I showcase the Tomcatters A380 that is a freeware for FSX and ported to MSFS2020 myself using the LegacyImporter. This is a short take off and flight over Davis Monthan Air Force Base and the plane graveyard. Enjoy.

How to add FSX aircraft video here:
   • How to Import FSX Aircraft in Dec 202...  

Scenery file addons:

Original FSX aircraft file from:

msfs Legacy Importer file from:

Contact or join in a flight with me you can contact me here:
  / discord  
Twitter account:   / brett_plays  
Facebook:   / brett.plays.96  

Hardware Specs for Nerds

Intel Core i7-7700k CPU @ 4.20GHz
RAM 32GB Corsair CMU32GX4M4C3000C15
Motherboard Asus Strix Z270F Gaming
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080Ti
3 x Kogan 50" Smart HDR 4K UHD LED TV (Series 8 RU8020)
running at 4096 x 2160 resolution each
or when surround activated 12288 x 2160 resolution
Saitek X-55 Rhino HOTAS
Logitech G25 Wheel and Pedal with Gear selector
HTC Vive VR headset
Microsoft Xbox One Controller

Microsoft Flight Simulator Graphic Specs

Full Screen Resolution - 3840 x 2160
Global Rendering Quality - High
V-SYNC - Off
Render Scaling - 100
Anti-Aliasing - TAA
All other setting max or Ultra
Lens Correction - Off
Use Generic Plane Models (Multiplayer) - Off


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