Learn to Play Ravenfeast

Описание к видео Learn to Play Ravenfeast

In this video Josh and Keith teach you how to play the free wargame RAVENFEAST. This is a skirmish game set in the Dark Ages, where players command a few as a dozen Viking or Saxon warriors. We'll take you through the basic mechanics of a turn, illustrating how the rules are played.

RAVENFEAST is a 100% free gateway game, designed to help introduce new players to the hobby of historical miniature tabletop gaming. To download your copy of the book, visit the official website at:


And don't forget, nominations for our 2020 Caesar Awards are open until Dec. 31, 2020! Anyone can make a nomination for your favorite historical wargaming videos, podcasts, and blogs! We're honoring outstanding content creators with nearly $1,000 in cash and prizes, but we need your help to find them. Learn more and make nominations at the official award show website:



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