Natsuki Crisis Battle (Super Famicom / 1995) - Natsuki Kisumi [Story Mode: Playthrough]

Описание к видео Natsuki Crisis Battle (Super Famicom / 1995) - Natsuki Kisumi [Story Mode: Playthrough]

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Platform: Super Famicom [SNES / Super Nintendo Entertainment System]
Developer: Tose
Publisher: Angel
Year: 1995
Region: Japan

Natsuki Crisis Battle (なつきクライシスバトル) is a 1995 video game that was released exclusively for the Japanese Super Famicom. Based on the two-episode OVA and manga Natsuki Crisis, which was serialized in the magazine Business Jump, the player can choose from eight characters and fight on locations such as inside a budō gym, outside a high school and other locations.

Natsuki Kisumi [Story Mode: Playthrough/LongPlay]
00:00:00 Intro / Opening
00:00:09 Title / Menu
00:01:07 vs Naoya Hondo
00:04:32 vs Rina Takaoka
00:07:31 vs Endo
00:10:05 vs Akira Kandori
00:13:01 vs Bigaro Nabeshima
00:16:41 vs Tsuguo Nabeshima
00:19:29 vs Akira Kandori
00:22:47 vs Masaaki Yanagisawa
00:25:08 Ending
00:25:41 Credits
00:27:24 Thank You For Watching!


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