Tai Chi part 1 & 2 (up to 31 Separation of legs)

Описание к видео Tai Chi part 1 & 2 (up to 31 Separation of legs)

Grace Chui teaches Tai Chi & Qi Gong

For more info about this form: https://taichiclub.com/forms-reference/

The course is free, however, we suggest a voluntary contribution of $20 to $40 for the full course or an amount of $ 5, $ 10 or $ 20 per session.

For a contribution: https://paypal.me/taichiclub

The Montreal Tai Chi Club (non-profit organization is a place for our members to learn and practice Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan, Push Hands, Tai Chi Sword, Saber and Qi Gong.

Chui Lap Kan Tai Chi Club - Tung Ying Chieh Yang Style Taiji

#taichiclub, #taiji, #Qigong, #health, #martialarts, #beginners #tung, #dong, #Yang


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