Warning Signs | Health and Safety at Work | Updated with Voice

Описание к видео Warning Signs | Health and Safety at Work | Updated with Voice

This is a comprehensive collection of warning signs:

General warning sign, Explosive material, Radioactive material or ionizing radiation, Laser beam, Non-ionizing radiation, Magnetic field, Floor-level obstacle, Drop (fall), Biological hazard, Low temperature/Freezing conditions, Slippery surface, Electricity, Guard dog, Forklift trucks and other industrial vehicles, Overhead load, Toxic material, Hot surface, Automatic start-up, Crushing, Overhead obstacle, Flammable material, Sharp element, Corrosive substance, Crushing of hands, Counterrotating rollers, Battery charging, Optical radiation, Oxidizing substance, Pressurized cylinder, Hand crushing between press brake tool, Hand crushing between press brake and material, Rapid movement of workpiece in press brake, Barbed wire, Bull, Falling objects, Fragile roof, Run over by remote operator controlled machine, Sudden loud noise, Falling ice, Roof avalanche, Asphyxiating atmosphere, Arc flash, Thin ice, Slipway, Towed water activity area, Surf craft area, Deep water, Shallow water (diving), Submerged objects, Sudden drop in swimming or leisure pools, Unprotected edge, Unstable cliff edge, Unstable cliff, Shark, Sewage effluent outfall, Tsunami hazard zone, Strong currents, Boating area, Sand yachting, Incoming tides, Quicksand or mud/deep mud or silt, Kite surfing, Parasailing, Strong winds, High surf or large breaking waves, Deep shelving beach, Crocodiles, alligators or cayman, Falling into water when stepping on or off a floating surface, Jellyfish, Step down, Substance or mixture presenting a health hazard, Substance or mixture that can cause an environmental hazard

The diagrams in this video are an adaptation from the following publicly available information:
Wikipedia: ISO 7010 – Warning Signs, available: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_7010
For more detailed information visit: https://www.iso.org/obp/ui#iso:grs:70...

Background Music:
”Going Higher” by Benjamin Tissot (also known as Bensound). Royalty free music by Bensound, available at: www.bensound.com

#Hazard #Warning #Signs #Fallingice #Roofavalanche #Asphyxiatingatmosphere #Arcflash
#Thinice #Slipway #Towedwateractivityarea #Surfcraftarea #Deepwater #Shallowwater #Submergedobjects, #Unprotectededge

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