Stanley Camp Cook Pot with the Ikea Hobo Stove - Boil Test #1

Описание к видео Stanley Camp Cook Pot with the Ikea Hobo Stove - Boil Test #1

A couple of days ago I did a video answering a question that NekitaNet had about if the Stanley Camp Cook pot would fit inside a Ikea Hobo Stove. In the video I had mentioned that I bought a couple of IKEA Cutlery caddys from Goodwill and that I thought they would make good, compact fire bowls that could also be used with the mini - Trangia burner. Since I did the video I've had several people ask me to do a tests, so here I am starting with a boil test using the Trangia burner.

The Ikea Hobo Stove is made from a stainless steel IKEA Cutlery caddy, current price seems to be $2.99. Here is a link to more info on it:

If you do a YouTube search for "Ikea Hobo Stove" and you'll find quite a few videos.

Here's the dimensions I mentioned in video:
Stanley Camp Cook Pot:
Base diameter: 3.60" = 9.144 cm
Larger Diameter: 3.70" = 9.398 cm
Lip Diameter: 3.95" = 10.033 cm

IKEA utensil strainer:
Diameter: 4.5" = 11.43 cm
Height: 5.125" = 13.0175 cm

Here's the results of previous boil I've done on the Stanley Camp Cook Pot:
Vargo Triad Titanium Stove - Time to boil: 10 minute(s) 25 second(s)
ALOCS - mini Trangia 28-T style base - Time to boil: 8 minute(s) 59 second(s)
ColoradoCamper's Hybrid Side Burner Stove (with large holes) - Time to boil: 7 minute(s) 42 second(s)

As always thank you for watching my video,


Title: Stanley Camp Cook Pot with the Ikea Hobo Stove - Boil Test #1
Room temp: 83°
Humidity: 56%
Weather condition: Cloudy
Burner: Mini - Trangia
Stove/Pot stand: Ikea Hobo Stove
Pot: Stanley Camp Cook Set
Fuel: methanol
Amount of fuel: NA
Amount of water: 2 cup(s)
Water temp at start: 60°
Time to boil: 7 minute(s) 54 second(s)
Time to run-out: NA
NA = Not Applicable / Not Available


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