Warp Stabilizer HACK - Premiere Pro Tutorial | Smooth Shots without WARPING

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Warp Stabilizer HACK - Premiere Pro Tutorial | Smooth Shots without WARPING

If you have been editing videos in Premiere Pro CC, then you probably are familiar with the effect called WARP Stabilizer. This effect is particularly useful in making your shaky and unusable footage into a smooth one. However, it is not a one stop solution. Sometimes, instead of making your footage/video better, it will introduce a warping or wobble effect. In other words, it makes your footage worse. That is why I made this video to give you an idea how to handle such situation and make your Warp Stabilizer work as it is intended - eliminating the warping in the video and making your footage usable. How? Will, the answer is simply by using the masking tool. Watch the whole video tutorial to know more. Thanks!

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Warp Stabilizer HACK - Premiere Pro Tutorial | Smooth Shots without WARPING

Editing Software:

Premiere Pro


Lumix G85 + Olympus 12-40mm 2.8


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