Persians Join the Conflict - Peloponnesian War DOCUMENTARY

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Kings and Generals historical animated documentary series on the history of ancient civilizations and Ancient Greece continues with the first episode of our series on the Peloponnesian War, as we see how Athens and Sparta leading the Delian and Peloponnesian Leagues in one of the most brutal wars the ancient Hellenes fought. In the first video we talked about why and how the war started and described the siege of Potidaea in 432 BC (   • How and Why the Peloponnesian War Sta...  ). The second episode talked about the siege of Plataea of 429-427 BC (   • Plataea 429-427 BC - Peloponnesian Wa...  ), while the third concentrated on the Battle of Pylos of 425 BC (   • Battle of Pylos 425 BC - Peloponnesia...  ). The battle of Amphipolis 422 BC ended the Archidamian War with the Peace of Nicias (   • Battle of Amphipolis 422 BC - Pelopon...  ), but this was hardly the end as both the Athens and Sparta were eager to square off again, leading to the battle of Mantinea. We also talked about the famous Melian Dialogue, which is very important for the understanding of the ancient Greek thought (   • Battle of Mantinea 418 BC - Peloponne...  ). The lull in the war was followed by the Sicilian Expedition - possibly the greatest military disaster of Antiquity (   • Destruction of the Athenian Fleet - G...  ), and fearing the strengthening of Athens, Persians of the Achaemenid Empire started to support the Spartans financially.

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Support us on Patreon:   / kingsandgenerals   or Paypal: or by joining the youtube membership:    / @kingsandgenerals   We are grateful to our patrons and sponsors, who made this video possible:

Script: Christos Nicolaou
Animation: Antoni Kameran
Machinima: MalayArcher (   / mathemedicupdates  ) using Total War: Rome II engine
Narration: Officially Devin (   / @offydgg   &    / @gameworldnarratives  )

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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:

00:00 Intro
01:32 Aftermath of Sicilian Expedition in Athens
02:40 Perso-Spartan Alliance
03:26 Oligarchic Coup in Athens
06:52 Battle of Eretria
08:40 Farewell and Thank you, Thucydides
09:35 Battle of Cyzicus
13:00 Democratic Restoration in Athens

#Documentary #PeloponnesianWar #Sparta


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