HFS7/P3: Indian National Congress: origin, aims, objectives, safety-valve

Описание к видео HFS7/P3: Indian National Congress: origin, aims, objectives, safety-valve

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- formation of Indian National Congress in the year 1885
- A.O.Hume and the safety valve theory behind the origin of Indian National Congress
- Role of Dababhai Naoroji, Pherozshah Mehta, W.C.Bonnerjee, S.N. Banerjee in the formation of INC.
- Aims and objectives of Congress: nation building, development of national leadership and political democracy, nurturing Indian nationhood.

- Faculty Name: Shri Pratik Nayak
- Powerpoint available at http://Mrunal.org/download
- Exam-Utility: UPSC IAS IPS Civil service exam, Preliminary GS paper, CSAT, Mains General Studies paper 1, Staff selection (SSC) and other State services exams with History of India and Freedom struggle in its syllabus.


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